
Customer Testimonials

"One of the most responsive contractors, and successful contracts, I have been involved in during my nearly 30 years as a major systems program manager."

–QAE for DAU, Coaching Training

"At any given time, you can always get in touch with these contractors. They are reliable and always willing to go above and beyond."

–TOM for Administrative Support Contract at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division

"GCC assisted SPAWAR in achieving 100% usage of performance based methodology on the Major Services Acquisition. This far exceeded government expectations. They are a tremendous asset to this command in implementing performance based methodology on services contracts."

–Contracting Officer, organization and code: SPAWAR HQ, PBSA Support

"I would like to thank you on behalf of the SBA for your team's contribution to the HUBZone Program over the last year that I have been with the Program. Your successful execution of your contract to provide us a wide range of services, from the Help Desk to application analysis, has enabled us to meet our ambitious programmatic goals."

–Acting Director, SBA certified HUBZone Program, Administrative Support Services